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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Things are changing......

The rain has now turned to snow and the fifties is now the forties and on its way to the 30's. The weather has changed. We started our week with 7 girls and now we have 4. Just as the weather began to change so did things at the mission.

What started out as a typical day turned out to be one tough situation after another. It all began with L. She did not want to get up this morning and J did not get up at all(she has been withdrawing). When Michelle insisted that L get out of bed. She became very irritated and told Michelle she was, "done with it". When I talked with L, it was apparent there was no changing her mind. For the past few days it seems as if L was high. I finally drugged tested her last night and she showed negative. Even though she could not stay awake and had somewhat of a slurred speech. As I talked with her this morning it became apparent to me that she had some major issues. These issues would take a mighty move of the Lord to rescue her or she needed the safety of a medical facility to rescue her from herself and others. I did not feel as I prayed with her that she was open to the move of the Lord, so she called a friend and left.

Now the story begins (as if that was not enough). As she was getting in the car to leave J jumps up from her sick bed (of withdrawal) and heads out the door barefoot and in pajama's and tries to get in the car. Thankfully they would not let her go. We had to terminate her from the program as leaving the facility is grounds for termination. I prayed with her and she actually thanked us for helping her detox. It was hard to let her go. She was begging t stay and said she just wanted to make a phone call. I knew she would run again in a few days but you always hope they will do better, but we knew in our hearts she would not. We gave her money for a bus ticket and lunch. Scott and Bobby dropped her off at the bus station. I hope she made the wise decision to go home and not somewhere else.

This is not the end of the story. The third of the girls, B, gets a phone call from court saying she had to appear before the judge because she had switched rehabs. Her husband calls and says he cannot come and pick her up as he is flooded in from all the rain. We do not take the girls to the courts we just do not have the time or money to transport them. Eventually her son arrives to get her. When she appears in court the Judge sends her back to jail. Meanwhile we have all her clothes and meds here. The funny thing about B, she commented last night she would rather go to jail because she could get a cigarette there. Well, I guess she got her wish. (we are a smoke free facility).

There were 7 and now there are 4. We still have several girls wanting to get here. I feel that even though the 3 were here for only a short time that we did do some good. I do believe that what they heard and experienced here will go with them. God has a way of shaking things and people up just when we need Him too. Things are changing and I believe always for the good. All things work for the good to them who love the lord and are called according to His purpose. Change is not always bad..........

1 comment:

  1. Hi Patty,

    I so appreciate your kind words on my blog the other day. I wasn't exactly sure I understood your mission, but after reading this post I am moved by what you are doing. To be honest it is one thing to right, talk, and think you desire to do something REAL, it is another altogether to actually do it and face the daily hardships of the task.

    Are you familiare with a First Baptist Church, Leesburg Florida? They have several ministries such as yours including a shelter for women and a children't home. They put out a movie called "The Touch" chronicling the life of some of the women they have helped over the years. I couldn't help but think that you might find encouragment in their stories. Here is a link to their site: http://www.christiancarecenter.org/

    My husband and I are in the VERY EARLY stages of starting a free medical clinic at our church and we have been looking to them for information. Hopefully they might offer you encouragment as you are being Jesus to these women.

    Looking forward to coming back around so I can be more aware of your needs and pray for you. I am in NE Tennessee so I'm not sure where you are exactly in KY, but we aren't too far from the border.

    God bless you and your work!
    Amanda Bowers @OneSacrifice


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