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Monday, December 6, 2010

Counting My Blessings.....

         Just got in from my Bible study at the county jail.  I so enjoy my time with the women.  As I drove back home (which takes me about 25-30 minutes) I asked the Lord to watch over my driving through the mountains on hwy 119 and to keep the snow at bay and the roads clear.  I could not help but to think of the girls back in jail.  I thanked the Lord for His presence during our study.  I also thanked Him for the opportunity to go inside the jail and lead a study. 

In an odd sort of way....I feel so at home (at the jail).  There is something so rewarding and satisfying about sharing with those who feel there is no hope...the fact that there is hope!!  You know when someone is getting it.  The sparkle in their eye.  You can almost see the conversation going on in their mind.......Could Jesus be the answer for me?  Is this what I have needed all along?  Does Jesus really care about me?  Of course there are those whose mind seems to wander elsewhere.  Thinking about dinner, someone outside, the painting on the wall.  I don't know..... whatever Satan puts there to make them wander away from the truth they so desperately need to hear.  Still, I feel blessed to share the truth (the Word) and the love of my Lord with them.  A small sacrifice for what He did for me!
So today, I am counting my blessings and am praying for those who are less fortunate during this Christmas season.  Those who will be inside the walls of a cell or the four walls of a hospital room.  To those separated from children and families during this holiday season.  To those whom Christmas will be just another day due to the chains of addiction, poverty and illness. 

 I made it home safely to find my   sweet husband had the Christmas lights on and supper made.  So thankful for my dear sweet husband and my home!

Yes, I am thankful and truly blessed...........May I always be willing to reach those who Jesus too sought out.  The sick and lowly, the lonely, the least and the lost.  Thank you Lord!

Blessings to you and always remember to stop and count your blessings!




  1. AMEN !! Beautiful Post .. May God continue to Lead you & Bless you & yours Patty.
    Warm Happy Hugs ~ Connie xox

  2. Thank you for your ministry. You may be the only one who ever brings the Ray of Hope to those women. Well done, good and faithful servant.

  3. Counting you among my blessings!! I appreciate so much your calling and mission -- and I miss your inspiration and daily challenges!! :-D Someday you'll know how far you have reached into the lives of people and made a difference. I see it and hear it in my family -- so I know it's the same for those fortunate enough to be ministered to by you there. Keep up the good works!
    Love you!
    Mary Lou

  4. Well this hit home with me. I have a loved one that is lost and addicted to drugs. He is on a road that is a dead end. Please keep him in your prayers. Bless you for what you do.

  5. You know, SATAN DOES NOT WIN! He is a huge loser who can't distract those women forever and God's Word will NOT return void so you just never stop doing what you are doing and never forget that He goes before you and prepares the way! MERRY CHRISTMAS! :)


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