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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sweet Sunday Scripture

This is what the sky looked like from my front porch
very early last Thursday morning...
Is the old adage:
“Red sky at night, sailor’s delight.
              Red sky in morning, sailor’s warning” true,
or is it just an old wives’ tale?
This was the view from the side of my porch...
"red sky in morn....
Sailor be warned"....
If true.....
Then something is brewing in the sky....
Actually it is more than an old wives tale..
It is actually quoted by Jesus in scripture....
Matthew 16:2-3
"When evening comes,
 you say,
 it will be fair weather,
for the sky is red,
and in the morning,
Today it will be stormy,
for the sky is red and overcast".....NIV
Sure enough Friday we had an ice storm that
shut our area down.....
Of course in this scripture the Pharisees and Sadducee's
were demanding a sign from heaven.
Even though they believed
only God could do a sign in the sky...
They would not believe Jesus
was the Messiah.....
How about you.....
Do you believe?
I do!!


  1. Yes I do...my mom would always repeat that.
    Hope your power wasn't off too long.
    Have a great week Patty

  2. Lovely shots! Such a beautiful winter sky.

  3. Beautiful pictures. Wishes for a great week!

  4. Thank you for stopping by my blog, Sweet Blessings, and for your kind comment! Nice to "meet" you! :)

    I am a HUGE fan of clouds! I could lay and look at clouds all day! And your pictures are beautiful!

  5. I've always loved the different colors of the sky in the morning and evening! You took some beautiful pictures there. I, too, am a huge fan of clouds as I remember when we were kids seeing all kinds of animals and things in the shapes of the clouds.

    Love your Sunday Scriptures ---- you should do them daily. I always rush right over to see what the Lord has given you.

  6. Yes, I DO! Gorgeous photos! We had that same sky here.. followed by a (moderate) ice storm overnight & this morning. Lovely post.. hope you have a great week, Patty! -- Tammy

  7. Nice! My dad has always said that and it hasn't been long that I actually noticed the scripture. I enjoy your blog Patty :-) God's blessings to you!

  8. I never knew this and since I am a huge fan of the SEA .. I should know these things LOL ... I love that scripture backs that up !! Thank you so much for sharing that with me and the post of the pics and post.. LOVED this and I enjoy your blog........Blessings Sherry @ The Rusty Pearl

  9. I do! I believe! We are discovering everyday little things God put right there for us in His Word that I've rushed right by and never really noticed! I love that! Beautiful sky....but sorry you got ice!

    Have a great week, Patty!


  10. I certainly do believe, Patty! Interesting that so many of our sayings are found in scripture, I believe it was Job who first spoke of escaping by the skin of his teeth, for instance.
    Have a great day, my friend.
    Hugs, cindy

  11. Hi Patty, I wish everyone could discern the signs of the times as Jesus spoke of. The weather they discern, but, the times we live in; not so many can see. Another great post. Blessings, Trisha

  12. yes, this saying is true. We have the same saying in Germany. It seems to always come about.
    Did not know that this was even mentioned in the scripture.
    Thank you for wishing us well with Lulu.

  13. Hi Patty!
    Just stopping by this morning to thank you so much for becoming my newest follower! I've repaid the favor in kind. Hope you have a wonderful day...be safe in those storms!


Thanks for stopping by The Foothills Farmhouse...Your comments are greatly appreciated. Blessings!