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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Word Wednesday

Welcome Ladies to Word Wednesday!
that you have joined me.
      Today's Word is........
          Drum roll please.........

Shabby Chic, Cottage, French Style Ruffled Flour Sack Towels
                                    Via Etsy Page by Tattered Goods...... Beautiful Stuff!


To be BLESSED......
1. Favored with blessings; happy; highly favored.
2. Imparting happiness or bliss; fraught with happiness
"Then was a blessed time"
3.  Enjoying or pertaining to, spiritual happiness,
or heavenly felicity...

Gold Brass Blessed Banner Necklace Tiny Golden by DelightAndRage
via Pinterest

There is no way around it..
To be blessed is a "happy" place to be.
Deuteronomy Chapter 28 tells us about being blessed
when we are obedient to God's commands (Word).

Blessings for Obedience

28 If you fully obey the Lord your God
and carefully follow all his commands I give you today,
 the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth.
2 All these blessings will come on you
and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God:
Pinned Image
Via Pinterest

3 You will be blessed in the city .
and blessed in the country
4 The fruit of your womb will be blessed,
 and the crops of your land and the young of your livestock—
the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks.

5 Your basket and your kneading trough will be blessed.
6 You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.
via dailyhomerenotips.com

7 The Lord will grant that the enemies who rise up against you
will be defeated before you.
They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven.
Pinned Image
Via Pinterest
8 The Lord will send a blessing on your barns
and on everything you put your hand to.
The Lord your God will bless you in the land he is giving you.

Blessed Banner (can customize colors): Mustard Yellow, Brown, Thanksgiving Banner, Thanksgiving Garland, Autumn Banner
Via Pinterest

I do not know about you but that sounds like some
pretty positive consequences that come from living for God.
In Deuteronomy, Moses was reviewing the Law
with a new generation of people.
When we decide to believe in God
We must also decide to follow His ways.
What we do shows what we really
Many of us may not experience all these blessings
while here on earth.
But for those who live for him while here....
What a blessing Heaven will be!
I pray your day is truly Blessed!

So Blessed Sign




  1. Patty, this is a wonderful post. His blessings to us are limitless.

  2. Hey sweet PATTY !!! (Patty-cakes ) : ) .. How are you doing. I want you to know that I copied this down .. I did not just want to hit print.. I read every word slowly and wrote it down and tomorrow. I will savor those words all day . IT was just a message for me. I love it so much and thank you from the bottom of my heart. .. I just love your blog and what your doing for GOD and for all of us. Means so much to me. I am so glad that I came accross it .. MEANT TO BE !!! I loved all the pictures too and wow what a message .. See what happens when your living for GOD .. HUGS and prayers for you a fabulous new day and week .. So blessed that GOD crossed our paths.. Feel like I have known you forever my sweet friend.. TOODLES !!!! and thank you for your sweet words on my blog.. Means more to me then you will ever know ..

  3. Love and blessings !!!...great post !!....Ria...xxx...

  4. Love and blessings !!..great post !!!...Ria...xxx.

  5. Patty,

    I love that word and I desire God's blesings more than anything! I know He has blessed me abundantly already and I'm so thankful!


  6. So VERY blessed indeed!! Great word, great post :) Blessings to you my friend!

  7. So beautiful! All the photos go so well with your post. Of course I loved the country photos :)

    I love the phrases "fraught with happiness" and "heavenly felicity." Such wonderful ways to describe the word! I feel so blessed to be able to live the life I am in the country with all my animals and my wonderful husband.

  8. Love all the pictures, (((Patty))). And what an awesome reminder of how many blessings we all have ALL the time! It's been so neat having you visit my little blog & leave such encouraging comments. Are you working at the camp next weekend?? Hoping to get a real hug soon! :D

  9. Oh my Patty, thank you for stopping by my blog! You blessed me my new friend in the discovery of you and your blog. I am a sister so I don't think this was anything but a God thing! I will be visiting you again.


  10. Love the word Blessed, because we all are. I love these post you are doing/


Thanks for stopping by The Foothills Farmhouse...Your comments are greatly appreciated. Blessings!